The ProfitDig Radio Show
The ProfitDig Radio Show
How Water Systems Work - a Chat with the General Manager of Operations of a County Water Authority
Scott Miller is the General Manager of Operations for the Water Authority of Dickson County, so the man knows ALL about how municipal and county water systems work. Scott started out as a manual laborer and worked his was up to running an entire multi-county water system. Listen in as he explains everything from how government lobbying for his industry is done to how clean water is delivered to your home. The purpose of the Water Authority is to provide clean water and, in some cases, collect sewage back, which is cleaned and re-released (a process called "distribution and collection"). For those interested in a career in water distribution, Scott discusses various certifications and career paths.
After watching this video, you'll feel like you are an expert! This is great knowledge to have for contractors involved in laying water and fill lines.
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